We're Back at the University of Richmond Jepson Alumni Center this year!
Thursday, June 8th 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
followed by Happy Hour/Reception
Friday, June 9th 8:00 AM - 3:45 PM
New: Wednesday, June 7th 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM CFP Ethics- Virtual

Jepson Alumni Center
442 Westhampton Way
Richmond, VA 23173
Early Bird Rate:
Current Member $325
Non-Member $475
After 4/30/23 Rate:
Current Member $375
Non-Member $525
May 30, 2023
CFP CE Credits = up to 15 (including CFP Ethics)*
CPA CE Credits = up to 15 **
VA Insurance CE Credits = up to 3 (also CFP/VA Ins Ethics)*
*All sessions will be filed with the appropriate entities for CE credit. A listing of approved credits will be supplied to registered attendees prior to event.
** For other designations, including CPA, a CPE certificate will be provided for self-filing purposes or for attendees' records.