The following files have been provided by our speakers for use and reference by all FPA DFW Conference attendees. To access the materials, please click the download button under the session(s) of your choosing. Please note that not all speakers have permitted access to their materials. If you are unable to find the materials you are looking for, they may be unavailable or will be released after the conference. Accuracy and timeliness of the information provided cannot be guaranteed and should be verified with the original author prior to further use. Individual authors may have reserved copyrights on this material and as such, any further dissemination of the information provided herein must have the appropriate approval of the authors and/or companies represented.

Handout material links for the following sessions have been added as of Friday, February 10:

  • FinTech - The Truth About the Future of the Financial Advisors
  • Charitable Planning Essentials to Grow Your Business
  • Blockchain Money - The Present & Future of Investing
  • Helping Clients Plan for Solo Aging
  • Why Advisors Are Choosing ETFs Over Mutual Funds & How SMAs Compare

Handout materials will not be made available for the following sessions:

  • The Capital Markets & the Macroeconomic Environment (In lieu of slides Per Stirling has provided a link to the monthly Capital Outlooks)
  • Personal Liability Risk & Holistic Wealth Management

Keynote Speakers

Financial Planning at the End of Life

Carolyn McClanahan, M.D., CFP® I Life Planning Partners, Inc.
Download presentation

The Capital Markets & the Macroeconomic Environment: A View from 40,000 Feet

Robert Phipps I Per Stirling Capital Management, Inc.
Per Stirling Capital Outlook

Mastering Empathy and Authentic Communication

Courtland Warren I OptEffect, LLC
Download presentation

Breakout Session Speakers

9:45 AM - 10:35 AM

The Future of Financial Planning: 5 Trends Changing the Way You Do Business Forever

Alan Moore, MS, CFP® I XY Planning Network
Download presentation

Tax Strategies for Financial Advisors

Pearl Balsara, CPA I HM&M
Download presentation

Personal Liability Risk and Holistic Wealth Management

Tony Boyd, CIC, AFIS & Mark Buisson, CIC, CRM, CPRM I Hub International Personal Insurance

Breakout Session Speakers

10:50 AM - 11:40 AM

Wealth Preservation and Transfer Strategies for Multi-Generational Families

Jana Simons, LL.M., J.D., CFP® I Meadows Collier Attorneys at Law
Download presentation

Are You Happy Now? Planning for the Present Rather Than the Unpredictable Future

Carolyn McClanahan, M.D., CFP® I Life Planning Partners, Inc.
Download presentation

FinTech: The Truth About the Future of the Financial Advisor

Matt Reiner, CFA, CFP® I Benjamin
Download presentation

Breakout Session Speakers

1:20 PM - 2:10 PM

Charitable Planning Essentials to Grow Your Business

Nathan Daley & Michael Wilson I Fidelity Charitable
Download presentation

Planning for Closely Held Businesses (Part 1)

Gary A. Zwick, J.D., LL.M., CPA (inactive), AEP I Walter Haverfield, LLP
Download presentation

Helping Clients Plan for Solo Aging: Holistic Life Planning Beyond Finances

Carol Marak I CAROL MARAK, LLC, Solo Living Coach & Author
Download presentation

Breakout Session Speakers

2:25 PM - 3:15 PM

Blockchain Money: The Present and Future of Investing

Sonia Dumas, CPA I Curio Haus
Download presentation

Planning for Closely Held Businesses (Part 2)

Gary A. Zwick, J.D., LL.M., CPA (inactive), AEP I Walter Haverfield, LLP
Download presentation

The Feeling Isn't Mutual: Why Advisors Are Choosing ETFs Over Mutual Funds & How SMAs Compare

Phillip McInnis I Avantis Investors
Download presentation