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Upcoming Meetings Preview:
Most breakfast meetings convene from 7:30-9:00 am on the 2nd floor of the Hilton Garden Inn Downtown.
Please check for possible venue changes and details - indicated next to the date.
January 21st - Eric Mueller - Inherited IRA Distribution Rules and Effective Strategies for IRA Beneficiary Planning
February 18th - Steve Marken, Esq - topic TBD
March 18th - Chris Fernandez - Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plans
April 15th - TBD
May 20th - TBD
June 17th - TBD
July 15th - TBD
August 19th - TBD
September 16th - TBD
October 21st - TBD
November 18th - TBD
December - Winter Social - TBD Date and Time