Life insurance has long been a neglected and misunderstood asset class. Delve into the challenges faced by advisors today when dealing with insurance. Understand the intricacies of policy reviews and discover how they serve as proactive measures to prevent issues, resolve problems, and elevate your clients' financial well-being. Finally, gain valuable insights into identifying policies in need of attention and learn strategies to maximize clients' insurance assets effectively.
Learning objectives:
- Expand your understanding of how a policy review can prevent issues, resolve problems, and improve a client's situation within the context of their financial plan.
- Identify how you can help clients with policies that need attention and methods to maximize the insurance asset.
- Learn about the options and strategies for policies that may have outlived their purpose or no longer are meeting the objectives.
About the speaker:
Craig is a 20 year industry veteran who started by designing large insurance portfolios for advisors across the country, then built a team of insurance specialists at a large regional bank, and now helps wealth management firms create more efficient plans for their clients. Craig’s responsibilities are split between directing the vision, mission and strategy for Long Road and educating advisors on insurance planning strategies that are in the client's best-interest to enhance current plans.