Dr. Stephen Brody, CFP®, ChFC®, RLP® is a Financial Life Planner, educator, author, ontological coach, mentor to rising life planners, and the creator of Inspired Financial Planning: A model for creating deeper and more meaningful planning engagements.
He serves as a doctoral faculty member at Creighton University, a corporate financial educator, and a frequent conference, workshop, and podcast speaker. His research interests include the role of spirituality in financial life planning, planner way-of-being, and how-to free clients from financial stress and worry so they are able to focus on creating and living happier and more inspired purpose driven lives.
Session Information
How to Adapt and Thrive as a New Financial Planner
Whether this is your first job or you're an experienced career changer, as a new planner your "way-of-being" makes all the difference! Clients come to us with a variety of questions, both technical and about life in general. So how do you learn to navigate when as a new planner you’re not given a chance to interact with clients? What can you do to develop your client facing skills? How do you ensure you continue growing as a planner and a person? Join this session for actionable suggestions, thought-provoking questions, and to learn a process by which to move forward!