What is Pro Bono? Pro bono financial planning is free, no strings attached, one-on-one counseling with members of underserved populations, particularly low-income individuals or families. These are often the people with the most need for, but the least access to, basic financial advice. Other pro bono activities include educational programs, such as those of Junior Achievement and the Financial Literacy Coalition of Central Texas, which focus on financial literacy rather than one-on-one counseling.

Pro Bono Opportunities

Austin FPA Chapter's Pro Bono Opportunities: ProBonoPlannerMatch.Org

The Foundation for Financial Planning's initiative, ProBonoPlannerMatch.Org, facilitates connections between CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professionals and pro bono opportunities across the nation. This platform streamlines the process, enabling members of the Austin FPA Chapter to contribute their expertise through pro bono service, making high-quality financial advice more accessible to families in need.

For more information or to sign up, use the link here.


FPA Pro Bono Training: A Free Kaplan Training Course

Explore the realm of pro bono financial planning with a complimentary Kaplan training course. Dive into a 50-minute online presentation that comprehensively overviews pro bono practices. The course includes a valuable handout for reference and self-study, allowing you to learn at your own pace. Plus, earn one hour of CFP® CE credit to enhance your professional growth. Register and gain insights into the meaningful impact of pro bono financial planning.

Link can be found here.


Austin Habitat for Humanity has received a financial planning grant from the Foundation for Financial Planning. The Austin Financial Planning Association will partner with Habitat to assist their clients with financial guidance through 1:1 coaching, group presentations, and workshops.

Habitat for Humanity will initially reach out to 500 of their members and their expected response will be 50 individuals or families who will want our assistance.

Here is what we need:

  1. FPA members who have the heart and time to help those in need.
  2. FPA members who can commit 1.5 hours for individual coaching sessions.
  3. FPA members who can commit 2 to 3 hours for group presentations or workshops.

If you want to work with Habitat for Humanity to offer your time and expertise or you want more information, please contact Spencer Engelke.


Pro Bono Activities Reporting Form

Please inform us if you have performed pro bono financial advice to underserved individuals, allowing us to express gratitude and share the positive contributions of the financial planning profession in Austin FPA. By highlighting the efforts of dedicated volunteers, pro bono financial planning consistently makes a significant difference in the lives of numerous underserved individuals, families, and communities.

Please click here to report your hours.

Thank you for everything you do!