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February 5, 2025 Guarding the vault: Here’s why financial services are favorite targets of hackers By Garrett Vanderpool

December 31, 2024 How can you add value to your business? Add retirement plans to invest in employees by Gregory A. Koehler

December 4, 2024 Playfulness, connection and fun: Planning for retirement isn’t all about the finances By Jennifer Griffis

November 6, 2024 Goals-based wealth management: Start now to plan for the life you want to live by Terri Roberts Munsell 

October 23, 2024 Financial planning: Now may be the perfect time to consider a Roth IRA conversion by Rodney Loesch

October 9, 2024 Get the big picture: These common mistakes can easily derail your financial planning by Liz Trimble

September 24, 2024 Cash in: Remain diligent about where to park those checking and savings balances by Tyler Eckert

September 11, 2024 Location, location, location: But when it comes to assets, don’t ignore allocation by Christian Binger

August 28, 2024 Are you saving enough to retire? A financial goals plan makes that decision easier by Sandi Weaver

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August 14, 2024 Inflation has ‘cooled’ over past 2 years. So why does it hurt to buy groceries, gas? by Scott Keegan

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August 9, 2024 To avoid a burdensome, complicated and messy process, get your estate plan in shape by Matthew Charles

July 17, 2024 Stressed about your finances during the election year? These facts may calm you down by Justin Kittle

June 19, 2024 Good intentions aren’t enough: Here’s what we get wrong when thinking about money by Kelly Stiefel Arias

June 5, 2024 Retiring in the next two years? Consider these tips to make the transition successful by Jessi Chadd

May 22, 2024 Don’t wait for a crisis: Financialcaregiving should start long before need arises by Marc Shaffer

May 8, 2024 Your 2023 filing can be a perfect tool inguiding your future tax-saving strategies by Clint Haynes

April 24, 2024 Pay down debt or invest? These two ‘rule of thumb’ approaches will help guide the way by Jack Giardino

April 10, 2024 Look for these three letters — CFP — when planning out finances now and in the future by Jordan Priddy

March 13, 2024 Preparing your taxes? Be proactive and make changes now to optimize 2024 tax year by Lucas Bucl

February 14, 2024 For the love of money: Have financial conversations often to strengthen relationship by Jamie Bosse

January 31, 2024 FASFA has been a sore spot, but changes have come to the federal student aid program by Jason Anderson

December 20, 2023 Time for a tune up? Like cars, your investment portfolio needs occasional maintenance by Lucas Bucl

December 6, 2023 Buying a home is a critical financial decision. Don’t let fears block out the perks by Jack Giardino 

November 15, 2023 The end of the year approaches. Do you have your personal finance plan in place? by Chris Walden

November 1, 2023 Consider what matters to you: Take these steps to help you prioritize investments by Nolan Keim

October 18, 2023 Only 10% of wealth passes beyond the third generation. Here’s how to fix the problem by K. Patrick Amey

October 4, 2023 They may be top of their class, but many high school grads flunk this crucial subject by Jamie Bosse

September 20, 2023 Ready to get your finances in order? Then get in the game-day spirit this autumn by Joni Lindquist

August 31, 2023 Retire like a pro: Follow in Chiefs’ footsteps to plan your personal ‘Super Bowl’ by Clint Haynes

August 23, 2023 And about that 401k: Here’s what a financial adviser has to say about cryptocurrency by Kelly Stiefel Arias

August 9, 2023 To avoid a burdensome, complicated and messy process, get your estate plan in shape by Matthew Charles

July 26, 2023 Rewarding choices: Consider these factors to get the most out of your credit card by Lucas Bucl

July 12, 2023 Student loan forgiveness dreams dashed? Before you panic, consider these programs by Jason Anderson

June 28, 2023 Remember the number 529: Here’s how college savings plans can work to your advantage by Sandi Weaver

June 14, 2023 Looking for employee-owned companies? Many are nestled in the Kansas City metro area by Jesse Bunse

June 1, 2023 Understanding estate planning will help you protect your assets, limit tax liability by Tylor Willis

May 17, 2023 Interest rates hiked, stocks declined, banks failed. Here’s how to protect your money by Pay Amey

May 3, 2023 Exciting summer plans coming up? Here are 8 easy ways to keep spending on track by Nolan Keim

April 19, 2023 Ready for spring cleaning? Your budget and financial goals could use a good scrubbing by Marc Shaffer 

April 5, 2023 ‘Unluckiest’ generation reaches 40s: Here’s how millennials can get back on track by Jamie Bosse

March 22, 2023 Newly wed? Here’s what you need to know to stay financially ‘happily ever after’ bt Jack Giardino

March 8, 2023 Feeling charitable but hoping for tax relief? Learn how to make most of contributions by Tyson Sprick

February 22, 2023 Don’t itemize? Giving back to charities in Kansas, Missouri may still reduce tax bill by Sandi Weaver

February 8, 2023 If retirement is in your future or present, discover why SECURE Act 2.0 matters by Jessi Chadd

January 25, 2023 Be it a dream puppy or lack of debt, we’re happier when others support our goals by Kelly Stiefel Arias

January 11, 2023 Stocks, bonds — nearly everything — underperformed in 2022. What’s an investor to do? by Dan Danford

December 28, 2022 Did 2022’s financial news spook you? Here’s how to stay steady in turbulent times by Andy Drennen

December 14, 2022 Hope to create a strong and lasting legacy? Here are the steps you should take now by Jesse Bunse

November 23, 2022 Here’s how the pros deal with declining balances on retirement plans, investments by Chris Walden

November 9, 2022 Starting out in the world on your own? Avoid these 5 costly financial mistakes by Marc Shaffer

October 26, 2022 From past to future: It’s never too early to consider your 2023 financial goals by Nolan Keim

September 28, 2022 Most know about $10,000 in student loan forgiveness. Here’s what could be overlooked by Jason Anderson

September 14, 2022 Nearing Social Security age? Take these factors into account before signing up by Joni Lindquist

August 31, 2022 If we are not ‘well’ with money, everything from relationships to our work is affected by Jessi Chadd

August 17, 2022 Retirement on horizon? Tips from new retiree include considering inflation, Medicare by Barbara McMahon

July 1, 2022 Here’s how to get the most out of an inherited IRA or Roth IRA account by Sandi Weaver

June 15, 2022 Decide whether to buy new, used or lease: Study options before going car shopping by Matthew Charles

May 25, 2022 Consider these tips to financially prepare for participating in the Great Resignation by Jack Giardino

May 5, 2022 Decoding mania: Bitcoin to Tether, here’s what it takes to decipher cryptocurrency by Andy Drennen

April 20, 2022 Dust off and air out: Take these spring cleaning steps for your financial ‘home’ by Patrick Amey

April 5, 2022 Take these steps to navigate through high inflation times and keep your money safe by Lucas Bucl

March 22, 2022 Money doesn’t grow on trees, and other lessons for kids BY JAMIE BOSS

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March 8, 2022 In U.S., top 10% holds 76% of wealth. It’s time for more equity, especially for women by Kelly Stiefel Arias

February 22, 2022 A bundle of joy about to join family? Here’s how to ensure financial security by Marc Shaffer

February 9, 2022 Do you love your job? Pandemic created major changes in work choices across country by Joni Lindquist

January 26, 2022 Just 2 of the reasons Kansas City is a retiree’s dream city: This museum, these parks by Clint Haynes

January 11, 2022 Meet man who’s introducing your grown kids to financial advice with a simple template by Dan Danford

December 30, 2021 The world during COVID-19: Take these tips to help your financial future by Andy Drennen

December 14, 2021 Here’s how much the Consumer Price Index is up. This is how to cope during holidays by Kelly Stiefel Arias

December 2, 2021 Take a look at recent, welcome changes to the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program by Jason Anderson

November 16, 2021 December can be a rough month financially. Here’s how to ease the pain with planning by Jessi Chadd

November 2, 2021 It’s been a year of stock market volatility and economic uncertainty. What’s next? by Chris Walden

October 19, 2021 New entrepreneurs: You’re now in charge of your financial future, so take these steps by Marc C. Shaffer

October 15, 2021 Locating documents, writing obit just 2 of many steps to take after loved one’s death By Lynn Mayabb

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September 29, 2021 Generosity is in the DNA of many in KC. Adviser’s advice is don’t ignore tax benefits by Jesse Bunse

September 22, 2021 A financial plan can be your guide. Take these 10 steps to put it to good use by Amber Bletscher

September 3, 2021 Store them, sell them or use them? Tips on what to do with collectibles by Sarah Askren

August 12, 2021 Define a happy life. Meaning and comfort are up there, but here’s another factor by Joni Lindquist

July 28, 2021 Who will care for special-needs loved one when you’re unable? Consider these factors by Dean Russell

June 30, 2021 Down to business sustainably: Tools to help you invest while being kind to planet by Sandi Weaver

June 23, 2021 Playing with the house’s money? Unexpected cash sometimes triggers frivolous spending by Ryan Hodapp

June 1, 2021 Even in this real estate market, Is your home truly a good investment? by Lucas Bucl

May 18, 2021 Navigating the alphabet soup of Medicare: Be sure you’re not paying too much by Dan Mathews

May 4, 2021 Temporary job loss has been part of the pandemic. But is it time to retire right now? by Barbara McMahon

April 21, 2021 Dust off that suitcase: Five financial tips to consider before traveling By Matthew Charles

April 6, 2021 A will provides closure. A few simple steps will erase the intimidation factor by Clint Haynes

March 23, 2021 Are all your financial eggs in one basket? Here’s why that’s not such a bad idea by Dan Danford

March 9, 2021 The GameStop frenzy in late January inspired many questions about investing by Nolan Keim

March 3, 2021 Kids as young as age 3 can learn about money. Here’s how to empower them by Jamie Bosse

February 10, 2021 It’s a good idea to plan for that baby bump in the road by Marc Shaffer

January 12, 2021 Set out on 2021 financial path with a clear understanding of what’s important and why by Joni Lindquist

December 30, 2020 A month-by-month look at 2020: Certified Financial Planners can help you with changes by Andy Drennen

December 17, 2020 Considering retiring? Be sure to examine every fact before making that decision by Sandi Weaver

November 24, 2020 Want to start 2021 in good financial health? End-of-year planning is essential  by Chris Walden

November 9, 2020 This holiday season, put differences aside and remember what’s important by Nolan Keim

October 26, 2020 Retiring early? Know what you can do to remedy financial pain of healthcare cost by Dan Mathews

October 15, 2020 Is early retirement the answer? Those over 55 face a multitude of employment issues by Clint Haynes

September 28, 2020 What’s the best time to hire a financial adviser? Not necessarily in crisis time by Dan Danford

September 14, 2020 During gift-giving season, space out the to-do list and get crafty by Kristen Buchman

August 31, 2020 If the economy is hurting, why is the stock market climbing? Here’s one simple answer by Barbara McMahon

August 18, 2020 Financial planner’s family photos show bright spots punctuating rough pandemic times by Jamie Bosse

August 4, 2020 Student loan debt is hard to avoid. Consider these ways to pay it off quickly by Clint Haynes 

July 22, 2020 Financial planning is essential for those facing costly infertility treatment by Marc Shaffer

July 3, 2020 Before retiring, answer a few important questions. For instance, what makes you happy? by Joni Lindquist

June 20, 2020 Celebrate the Fourth by planning for financial independence in retirement years by Sandi Weaver

June 18, 2020 As quarantine lifts, it’s time to examine monthly spending and prioritize needs, wants by Nolan Keim

May 26, 2020 Positive changes in spending habits will hopefully outlive the pandemic by Lucas Bucl

May 19, 2020 Can you save money by refinancing your mortgage by Sandi Weaver

April 28, 2020 The finest luxury of wealth isn’t a fancy car or home. It’s the ability to choose by Dan Danford

April 27, 2020 Financial planner answers questions about CARES Act by Andy Drennen

April 6, 2020 Communicating about finances might be tough, but it’s key to relationships by Kristin Buchman

March 23, 2020 To loan or not to loan: Take these steps before cosigning by Ryan Brooke

March 10, 2020 Changes proposed to required minimum distribution tables by Mark Howe

February 25, 2020 An insightful look at the ages and stages of retirement by Barbara McMahon

February 4, 2020 Don’t let the ghosts of Christmas Past haunt you forever by Jamie Bosse

January 21, 2020 Five tips for easing marital conflict around money by Dan Mathews

December 31, 2019 Financial planning in the year of uncertainty by Andy Drennen 

December 3, 2019 A fresh idea about your stale mortgage by Dan Danford

November 25, 2019 She's thankful most of her clients are good financial planners by Sandi Weaver

October 26, 2019 What most frightens people? It's not scary costumes - it's money stress  by Joni Lindquist

October 10, 2019 Behavioral Baises can cause investors to make poor decisions by Lucas Bucl

September 24, 2019 Three tips for building an emergency fund by Jamie Bosse

September 10, 2019 What's the best medical savings account for you? by Dan Mathews

September 4, 2019 Not too early for an overall review of 2020 tax strategy by Chris Walden

August 16, 2019 Teaching Kids about "invisible" money  by Jamie Bosse

July 19, 2019 Planning for parenthood: Put financial planning on your to-do list  by Nolan Keim

July 1, 2019 Coming into some money? Be wise with it  by Sandi Weaver

June 18, 2019 Sweeping changes considered for retirement plan rules by Andy Drennen

June 6, 2019 How you Spend is more important than how you budget    by Dan Danford

May 22, 2019  When signing up with financial adviser, beware mandatory arbitration clause  by Michael Searcy

May 8, 2019 Where is home when you retire?   Barbara McMahon

April 20, 2019 Here's why your tax refund may have been lower this year  by Mark Howe

April 8, 2019 Do-it-yourself for simple estate plans by Sandi Weaver

March 27, 2019 Don't Overlook the importance of a home inventory  By Jamie Bosse

March 13, 2019 Retirement savings plans: Which one is right for you?   By Lucas Bucl

February 19, 2019 Unclaimed property: Do you have any?  by Kristen Buchman

February 12, 2019 Talk to estate attorney about impacts of Tax Cuts and Jobs Act  by Mark Howe

February 5, 2019  Roth IRA's benefit from stock market decline and new tax code  by Andy Drennen


Members in the News

The Kansas City housing market outlook favors sellers and properties are still going quickly, despite inflation. Sandi Weaver & Kelly Stiefel Arias, MBA-IM, CFP®

Jack Giardino and Nolan Keim on The Bridge Mornings with Bryan Truta Give Back Friday: The Great Resignation

KCTV5 Coronavirus prompting travel, financial concerns for locals - February 25, 2020  Featuring David Jackson

KCTV5 Better KC Habits of Financially fit people - May1, 2017  Featuring David Jackson

KSHB Channel 41 Save Money: How to keep holiday spending on a budget - November 18, 2016 featuring Sandi Weaver

Click Here for an archive of older articles 


David Jackson - KCTV-HD 4PM 6-5-20 from david jackson on Vimeo.


KCUR Radio Show 

12-2021 More investors want to put their money where their values are


12-2020 Nolan Keim and Jamie Bosse Financial advice for Millennials as they deal with yet another economic downturn. Segment 2, beginning at 33:04:  

10-22-2020  What a contested election could mean for the financial world Panelists: Nolan Keim and Lucas Bucl


6-21-2019 Planning for a New Arrival!  Key Financial Considerations When Your Family Is Growing

Panelists:  Jamie Bosse, Kristin Buchman, David Jackson

4-15-2019 Personal Credit – Everything You Need to Know.  How Your Credit Score Works, Why it Matters, and How to Protect It.


2/18/19 - Getting Ready for A Recession  - What You Should Do Now to Prepare your Investment Portfolio and Personal Finances


12/17/18 - Will Social Security Be There For You?

August 21, 2018 – Socially Responsible Investing – Can You Make a Profit AND a Positive Impact?

June 18, 2018 – Financial Aspects to Consider When Taking a New Job

April 16, 2018 Show – Tax Planning for 2018 – How with the Trump Tax Code Changes Impact Your Taxes?

February 19, 2018 Show -Need Help Breaking your Bad Financial Habits?  
Need Help Breaking your Bad Financial Habits


August 28th Show - Financial Planning for Non-Traditional Couples

June 19th Show – Busting Financial Myths, Financial Impact of Trump’s Tweets

April 17th Show – Gender Gap in Financial Health, How to Make Positive Changes to Achieve Financial Fitness

February 27, 2017 - Smart Money Experts on Stretching Your Retirement Savings.


December 19th 2016 – Smart Money Experts On Historic Market Highs, Interest Rate Hike, And The 'Trump Rally'

October 17th 2016 - Smart Money Experts On Candidates' Proposed Economic Plans

August 29th, 2016 - Smart Money Experts: Social Safety Nets and Cyber Security

June 29, 2016: Smart Money Experts: Brexit and You

April 18, 2016: Smart Money Experts: Is College Still Worth The Cost?

Feb 22, 2016:  Love and Money

Click here for an archive of older articles 


For more information on the KCUR show, please visit:

The FPA Publicity Committee has a long-running multi-year relationship with KCUR, appearing on two of their local shows.  Our initial appearances were on the radio show, Central Standard, hosted by Gina Kaufmann (shown in the second photo).  Our current appearances are on Up To Date, hosted by Steve Kraske, and produced by Danie Alexander.
Our mission is to provide information on financial planning topics that impact local listeners, and to answer the show's call-in questions.  Danie Alexander, with Steve Kraske's assistance, determines which topics to address for their audience.  Steve Kraske is a well-known and well-versed media figure in Kansas City; he is a political columnist for the Kansas City Star, and frequently appears in discussion panels on Kansas City Public Television.
Because of KCUR'S indepth, professional approach, we feel honored to provide financial planning education for their audience.