Heidi King - College Inside Track


There aren’t many couples that haven’t had a conversation about how much they can afford to spend on homes they are looking at, yet it happens all of the time when it comes to the college purchase. This milestone topic represents a significant opportunity for financial professionals to provide real value. Learn from a national expert how to help families develop a philosophy for paying for college, have the “money talk” with their child, and walk away with actionable tips for both.

Learning objectives:
  • Learn ways to facilitate a discussion with families about sample philosophies they can have regarding how college is paid for and help them develop a strategy for paying for college.
  • Provide specific tips for parents on how to talk to their child about paying for college. 
  • Deliver frameworks to use with families for how to find the right college fit and how much debt is acceptable.
Speaker bio:

Heidi King is a member of the education and partnerships team at College Inside Track, and speaks nationally about college search, educating families and training financial advisors and other professionals on the topic. Heidi works closely with financial advisors to provide education to clients and be the go-to subject matter expert on all things college-related. Heidi is no stranger to the college process, as she recently went through it herself with her two sons.