The long-standing tradition of the Journal of Financial Planning to provide groundbreaking research for practitioner use in real-life planning with clients began four decades ago with the foresight of Henry Montgomery and Tom Warschauer. The late Montgomery, a CFP® certificant and decorated WWII Army veteran, is largely credited with creation of what is now known as the Journal of Financial Planning.

Warschauer, Ph.D., CFP®, professor of finance at San Diego State University, served as the Journal’s first academic editor and continues to champion the effort to align scholarly research and practitioner needs to foster the greatest collaboration of talents in the field.

These two pillars of financial planning’s evolution embody the mission of the Journal of Financial Planning—to expand the body of knowledge in the financial planning profession. This award will be chosen annually by the Journal to honor the paper that provided the most outstanding contribution to the betterment of the profession in the preceding year.

Previous winners of the Montgomery-Warschauer Award include:

Submit Your Paper Today

All submissions published in the Journal in 2024 will be considered for the Montgomery-Warschauer Award. You’ll find writing and submission guidelines HERE. Submit your original financial planning research to Danielle Andrus. As the impact of the works of Wade Pfau, Michael Finke, David Blanchett, Sarah Asebedo and Martin Seay demonstrate, there is no better venue through which to influence the way financial planning is practiced and financial planning clients are served, than the Journal of Financial Planning.