This distinctive three phased competition is designed exclusively for undergraduate degree programs registered with CFP Board.
In the first phase of the competition, all student teams will be given profiles for two hypothetical clients and must prepare a comprehensive financial plan. After the first phase is judged and awarded, the top eight teams will advance to the next phases of the competition to be held in the fall. All teams must orally present their case studies to a panel of judges and participate in the "How Do You Know?" Challenge. The top three winning teams will be awarded a monetary scholarship for their school. Judges will be selected by each presenting organization and will assess student teams on demonstrating the CFP Board Financial Plan Development Course requirement.
In recognition for the hours of research, application and presentation preparation, CFP Board will provide each team member hours toward the Experience requirement leading to certification. Students participating in phase 1 will be awarded 20 hours.
2025 Competition Timeline
June 6 – Phase 1 Case Submission Deadline
August 15 – Top 8 Student Teams Announced
Week of August 18 – Academic Advisor Conference Call
November 2 – Orientation
November 3 – Phase 2: Financial Planning Case Study Oral Presentations
November 4– Phase 3: "How Do You Know?" Challenge
November 3-5 – Students Participate in Annual Conference Networking and Learning Opportunities
Competition Materials
2025 Case Study
Financial Planning Challenge Guidelines
Registration Form
Phase 1: Grading Rubric
Phase 2: Presentation Grading Rubric
Teams may consist of up to three undergraduate students. Students may not participate in more than one team.
All participating students must be enrolled in an undergraduate degree program registered with CFP Board as of May 1 or spring semester.
Students considered graduate students by their school may not participate.
Each team must be represented by an Academic Advisor throughout the competition.
Students are prohibited from seeking advice from professionals or from persons not participating in the challenge.
Limit one team per school.
Additional details can be found in the Financial Planning Challenge Guidelines.
The top eight (8) student teams based on their Phase 1 score. These teams will advance to the final phases of the competition held in conjunction with FPA Annual Conference. Teams will be provided roundtrip airfare/transportation, lodging, $75 gift card, complimentary FPA Annual Conference registration, 1 year of FPA membership plus 60 hours toward the Experience requirement leading to certification.
In addition, the top three (3) teams will be awarded the following:
1st Place Overall: $10,000 scholarship for their school and full scholarship to FPA's highly acclaimed Residency Program.
2nd Place Overall: $5,000 scholarship for their school
3rd Place Overall: $1,000 scholarship for their school