George Kinder of The Kinder Institute of Life Planning has had an incredible impact on the development of financial life planning. To hear him speak about the human element within financial planning is inspiring, and absolutely necessary for all planners - whether you’re new to the field, or you’ve been a planner for decades.

George Kinder, CFP® of The Kinder Institute of Life Planning has had an incredible impact on the development of financial life planning. To hear him speak about the human element within financial planning is inspiring, and absolutely necessary for all planners - whether you’re new to the field, or you’ve been a planner for decades. In the early 1990s, George Kinder and Dick Wagner partnered together to discuss:

  • The skillset advisors needed to hone to in order to engage in financial life planning
  • The philosophy behind financial life planning
  • The ways that the human component of money can positively impact financial planning as a profession, the lives of financial planning clients, and our world as a whole

In this episode, George covers a lot of ground. He discusses the beginning of the financial life planning movement within the FPA - from the founding of Nazarudin, to the growth of the movement, to how the initial financial life planning community worked to get the message out to the masses.


What You’ll Learn:

  • What the beginning of the financial life planning movement looked like
  • Who was involved at the onset of this movement
  • How the Nazarudin movement began, and how it still exists today
  • What the three phases of the financial life planning movement has looked like, and how it’s grown over time
  • The “why” behind financial life planning
  • The importance of developing a “one hour” life plan for everyone - not just those privileged enough to have access to advisors
  • The different exercises that financial life planning moves through
  • What questions are the “right” questions to wrestle with with your clients - questions like “What is it to be human?” or “What is it to be human in this world?”


FPA Retreat