1. FPA Publications App
The FPA Publications App (available through Apple and Google Play) is the best way to read our content if you prefer print magazines. FPA Members can log in using their email address and their FPA Member ID as their password.
- Designed as a digital page-turner, so mimics the print reading experience.
- Best viewed on a larger tablet, the app provides the latest issues of the Journal of Financial Planning, Next Generation Planner, and Financial Services Review, as well as past issues via the archive.
- Download full issues for future offline access.
- Zooming option is available and each article has a link to an online, mobile-friendly version if that's your preference.
- Best option for those who have been sitting in front of a computer all day as tablets let the reader adjust for blue light and brightness to prevent eye strain and can be read anywhere.
- You may use the following QR code to install the app:

*Make sure you turn on PUSH NOTIFICATIONS so you are notified when new content is released!*
2. Online Digital Edition
Digital Edition Tutorial Video:
Click HERE to access the tutorial video on YouTube.
Our online digital edition is designed as a page-turner, so mimics the print edition in an online environment. You must be logged on to the website as an FPA Member to access.
The digital edition offers several features to enhance the reader experience:
- Search current or past content by keyword through the enhanced search function.
- Download article PDFs for future access or sharing.
- Print article PDFs for offline reading or marking.
- Access past issues in the archive section.
- Bookmark pages and make notes for easy future access.
- Clip sections of articles to save for future reference or to share with a colleague or friend.
- Occasional video and audio content including interviews and commentary by authors.
3. Website
For those who prefer reading our content through our website, we provide links to mobile-friendly versions each month. Simply visit the FPA Publications page and click through to where you need to go.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to a member of the FPA Publications staff and they would be happy to help!