As someone who came from outside of financial services, I am keenly aware of why next-gen talent is not interested in our industry. With this insight, I've developed strategies for recruiting and hiring next-gen folks that address these issues at the start. Those strategies work and I can teach you how to use them effectively to unlock the future success of your business.
There are two recruiting challenges inherent to our industry that I am determined to help fix. For those outside it, there is a PR problem based on a number of misconceptions. And internally, there is a 'we've always done it this way' attitude that is discouraging innovative, and talented next-gen hires. Many advisors are not ready for what it will take to prepare their practices for next-gen talent and they often feel lost when it comes to hiring, training, and retaining this up-and-coming group. But, finding the next advisor for your team is crucial and imminent. I'm here to help!
With 10+ years of hiring, training, and development experience, and 7+ years consulting with advisor teams as an advocate, you want me involved in helping you level-up with your next advisor hire.
Get in Touch!