The FPA Board of Directors plays an integral role in setting the overarching vision for the association, and the strategies the association employs to support members and communities. The Board serves as an advocate for members and the financial planning profession. It’s a significant role and the process the association embraces to select those to serve from among a pool of self-nominated candidates is equally important.

Historically, the slate of candidates was determined by a Nominating Committee that was largely comprised of Board-designated representatives who were charged with reviewing applications, interviewing candidates, and presenting a final roster of nominees to the FPA Board of Directors for approval. However, in alignment with the OneFPA Network vision of bringing more voices to the decision-making process the association employs, the Committee has become the OneFPA Nominating Committee to include more volunteer leaders in the selection process.

The OneFPA Nominating Committee is comprised of an even number of Board-designated representatives and individuals who are selected by the OneFPA Advisory Council Executive Committee. The committee members that are tasked with recommending a slate of candidates to fill vacant seats on the Board of Directors in 2021 are as follows:

  • Evelyn Zohlen, CFP® (Chair) ― FPA Board of Directors Designee and Committee Chair
  • Skip Schweiss ­― FPA Board of Directors Designee
  • Claudia Kane, CFP® ― FPA Board of Directors Designee
  • Karen McDade, CFP® ― FPA Board of Directors Designee
  • William Cerynik ― OneFPA Advisory Council Designee
  • Juan Munoz, CFP® ― OneFPA Advisory Council Designee
  • Adria Rosebrock, CFP® ― OneFPA Advisory Council Designee
  • William (Kirk) Taylor, CFP® ― OneFPA Advisory Council Designee

While the Committee is already meeting to solidify the candidate review process and selection criteria, their work will really kick-in as soon as the application process begins after the June 1, 2020, deadline. What follows is the anticipated timeline (subject to change by the Committee) of key activities related to the Committee’s work through the announcement of the new Board members at the 2020 FPA Annual Conference this fall:

  • February through May ― Call for self-nominations from among volunteer leaders and members.
  • February to June ― Committee meets to review process and candidate criteria.
  • June 1 ― Deadline for self-nominations for open positions on the FPA Board of Directors.
  • June ― First-round phone interviews with candidates.
  • Early July ― Second-round phone interviews with candidates.
  • Late July/Early August ― Third-round phone interviews (if applicable) with candidates.
  • September/October ― Finalists approved by the FPA Board of Directors.
  • FPA Annual Conference ― Official announcement of new Board members and incoming President-elect.

The Committee is looking forward to engaging in the candidate review process starting in June, but in order to do their work they need those interested in Board service to apply! If you have a passion for volunteer leadership, believe in the role of the association and the importance of FPA being a strong organization for the benefit of our members and the profession, consider applying for a seat on the Board!

We are developing a landing page on the FPA website now, but anyone interested in securing a copy of the Board Application Package can email Please remember that applications are due June 1.

We hope you consider applying for Board service!