As senior care experts our goal is to inform professionals about all aspects that effect the increasing senior population. We will discuss how to know when a senior needs additional support and compare all types of senior care options. We will do a deep dive into comparing the cost of short-term and long-term senior care options. We will also explore what factors to take into consideration when making the decision of which senior care option is the best choice.
Learning objectives:
- Explore the facts about the 'Senior Tsunami' and the current demographic shift caused by the increasing number of baby boomer older adults.
- What are the signs that a senior needs additional support?
- Discuss characteristics and a cost comparison of all Senior care options.
- Identify factors involved in the decision and how to choose which option is the most appropriate.
- The benefits of 'aging in place' and receiving support at home.

About the speakers:
Flanna Perkins, CEO-Flanna- Perkins has worked in the senior care industry for over 25 years. Flanna is a tireless advocate for the needs of vulnerable people and home care workers. Flanna is married and has 2 sons.
Kris Kirwan, Director of Sales-After spending 10 years in the medical field, Kris has spent the last 10 years in the home care industry as a Home Care Supervisor and as a Marketer. Kris has 4 children, and 3 grandsons.