A New, Digital Age

Journal of Financial Planning: February 2021

Last year at this time, I had just negotiated with my then-supervisor a week where I could work from anywhere. The first stop was Albuquerque, N.M., in February; the second stop was slated to be Laguna Beach, Calif.—both spots where I could work during the day and visit family at night.

What a dream! I could work from ANYWHERE for one week per month. How special and unique I felt. But then the pandemic thrust us all into remote working—for almost a year. My remote work week in Laguna was canceled. We were all relegated to our homes and forced to upgrade our internet and get friendly with technology we were only acquainted with before.

In this issue, a common theme is that these three things are here to stay: technology to serve clients, working from home, and doing more in a digital environment.

Here at the Journal of Financial Planning, we will continue to do everything in a digital environment. Last summer, there was talk about the Journal coming back to print at some point, but that is not the case. We will not return to print.

Getting used to implementing all this new technology over the past year may have been uncomfortable at first—and the same might be true of getting used to the new digital-only environment for the Journal.

This doesn’t mean that the content you have grown to love and count on isn’t still here—it is. And our brilliant art director, Albert Hanner, has made some tweaks to make things a little easier for you to read (and for me to proof), such as increasing the font size and utilizing two columns in most stories, versus three.

Last month, my colleague, Colin Erickson, wrote to you about how he’s reexamined his obsession with carting and reading his beloved print magazines all over the world. Like Colin, I used to prefer the pages of a glossy magazine over a screen, but also like Colin, I have grown accustomed to reading my favorite publications on my iPad (thanks, Apple News, for carrying most of my favorites).

We hope you can grow accustomed to it, too, and we welcome your input on how to make your digital experience with the Journal better.

Ana Trujillo Limón

Career stage
Learning / Aspiring