Learn about the beta test experience from those participating in it.

Volunteer chapter leaders and chapter executives from 11 FPA chapters are participating in the OneFPA Network beta test. From time to time, they are sharing their experience and views with the rest of the FPA community through this blog. Tune in to get the latest updates from those going through the experience!

Read the Posts!

Assessing Q1 2021 of the OneFPA Network Beta Test

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The Important Role the OneFPA Advisory Council is Playing for FPA

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Assessing the First Year of the OneFPA Network Beta Test

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OneFPA Beta Test Chapter Shares Four Essentials for Launching an Award Winning Pro Bono Program

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Update on OneFPA Network Progress in 2020

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11 Beta-Test Chapters. One Virtual Event. Exploring a Model for Future FPA Chapter Collaboration.

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Checking-In with Michael Shockley, Chair of the OneFPA Transition Task Force: Part #2

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Checking-In with Michael Shockley, Chair of the OneFPA Transition Task Force: Part #1

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Exploring the FPA Member Experience

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Solving the Corporate Partnership Riddle

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Idea Sharing, Technology and Staff Connections

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“The Collaboration Has Just Been Amazing”

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A Pandemic, the Beta-Test, and the Value of Connections

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FPA’s Response to COVID-19: A Special Update for FPA Chapter Leaders

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How FPA of Metro New York is Handling the Pandemic – Part 2

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How FPA of Metro New York is Handling the Pandemic – Part 1

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How FPA of New Jersey is Adapting to the New Reality

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Collaborating on Additional Beta-Test Chapter Program and Resource Options

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Selecting New FPA Board Members with More Voices Participating

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Building Camaraderie and Connections Through Staff Integration

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OneFPA Advisory Council Leader: “We want to make sure that your voice is heard.”

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FPA of Illinois: “This should all be about community.”

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OneFPA Technology Task Force Update

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Participatory Governance is Underway

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“There Were Lots of Opinions”

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A Closer Look: The OneFPA Staffing Coordination Committee

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A Chapter Leader Shares Perceived Opportunities and Anticipated Challenges of the OneFPA Beta-Test

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Welcome to the OneFPA Beta Blog!

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